As more unhinged youth continue their attempts to rebel against society, they have been going after more and more headline-grabbing targets for their violence.
Recently, a 16-year-old attempted to enter the St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church in Abbeville, Louisiana, with a pistol. At the same time, roughly 60 kids stood at the front of the church to receive their First Communion.
In an open letter from Rev. Louis J. Richard, KLFY reported his version of what happened that day.
As he best recalls it, halfway through the service, an oddly clothed man entered through the back of the church with a pistol on his hip. Without hesitation, a woman with small children in the rear of the church approached him to find out his purpose for disturbing such an occasion.
As the priest and altar boys ducked behind the altar, others jumped into action to secure the kids safely.
The Reverend says enough of a commotion was created that a man just outside the same door the suspect entered in was able to to step inside. The suspect was immediately removed and disarmed. The church staff held the teen as another parishioner dialed 911.
Richard goes on to say that when police talked to the suspect, he claimed to have arrived to prevent someone else from going after a priest. Naturally, this prompted a full search of the church and its parishioners with police dogs eventually clearing the church.
Blue Rolfes, Director of Communications of the Diocese of Lafayette, described the suspect to KLFY. “He was dressed all in black, including a black hoodie pulled up over his head, and was wearing a mask, when the temperature outside at the time was in the mid 80’s.” With that kind of description, it’s no wonder he stuck out so clearly on such a joyous occasion. Thankfully the teen was able to be stopped before he made an already positively memorable day turn morbid.