Think Twice Before Ordering that Meal To Go: Research Suggests Some Food Containers Are Dangerous 

Benjamin Clapp /

New research reveals that thousands of chemicals and harmful substances can enter your body from food and drink containers, such as plastic bottles and takeout boxes. Evidence shows that these chemicals can transfer from materials like plastic into our bodies. 

While the exact health risks aren’t clear, some of these chemicals are known to be dangerous. Researchers are worried because many of these chemicals used in food packaging are now found in people. 

Researchers in a recent study were surprised by how many chemicals in everyday items can enter the human body, and they said it’s concerning that we don’t fully understand the risks involved. 

Led by scientists from the Food Packaging Forum Foundation, a Swiss nonprofit, the researchers examined data on more than 14,000 food-contact chemicals, substances found in the materials that create containers used for food and drinks. 

The study, published on September 17 in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, revealed that about 25% of the chemicals they studied—around 3,601 substances—were found in the human body. They detected these chemicals in skin, hair, blood, breast milk, and fat tissue samples. 

While plastic used to be the most common culprit, new research suggests that paper or cardboard can have substances like ink that can be harmful when they touch food. 

Researchers previously found that government regulations aren’t effective in preventing chemical exposure. While there are some rules, like limits on PFAs in drinking water, new laws are slow to adapt to the latest science and can be hard to enforce.  

The new study is essential in understanding how chemicals in our environment and food might affect our health over time and how to reduce these risks. 

Jane Muncke, the study’s senior author, explained that this research shows food container materials aren’t entirely safe, even if they follow regulations. 

Scientists are searching for clues to understand how these chemicals affect our long-term health. 

Some of these chemicals are known to be harmful, including carcinogens, which can cause cancer, and toxins that are linked to hormone and reproductive issues. 

One group of these chemicals is called PFAs (per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances), often referred to as “forever chemicals” because they stay in our bodies and the environment for a long time. Exposure to PFAs has been linked to certain cancers, liver damage, and possible developmental problems in children. 

The study also found other dangerous chemicals in food and our bodies, such as BPA, a harmful ingredient in packaging that can affect hormones, and heavy metals, which can damage our DNA. 

Researchers still don’t know much about many other chemicals found in human samples, including whether they are harmful and what amounts, if any, are safe. 

Research is essential for understanding how different chemicals used in packaging affect our health. This ongoing study helps create better rules and safety measures. Companies are increasingly seeking safer alternatives to harmful substances like BPA and PFAs. They are working on developing biodegradable or recyclable materials that do not release dangerous chemicals into food. 

Significant strides have been made to improve the safety of food packaging materials. Government agencies, such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have set regulations that create safety standards for these materials. These rules seek to minimize the risk of harmful substances getting into our foods. New packaging materials go through detailed safety assessments before being approved. Scientists look at potential health risks, including how these materials interact with food and whether any harmful chemicals can leach into it. 

As people learn more about food safety, the demand for safer products has grown, pushing manufacturers to improve their practices. Collaboration among organizations and companies in the food packaging industry is also helping to share research and best practices for making safer materials. Additionally, many companies focus on sustainable packaging solutions that prioritize safety and environmental health, which helps reduce harmful chemicals. 

It’s not enough to worry about harmful additives in our food. According to scientists, we have to worry about what goes around it, too. 


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