Haley Wins Her First Primary and More Reasons to Be Mocked…


Well, it’s official: former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley finally beat Trump in a primary. And no, it’s not in a state that won’t include Trump on the ballot. However, the win might not be considered all that much of a win.

As NBC News reported, Washington, DC, held its primary on Saturday, which Haley won quite handily. Nearly 70 percent of DC Republicans chose her over Trump’s 33 percent.

Naturally, Haley and those not on the Trump train say she’s finally “spark(ing) some momentum.”

However, the rest of us see this for what it really is.

For starters, this territory didn’t go to Trump in 2016, either. And we all know how that played out.

Secondly, it was noted by Washington GOP chair Patrick Mara that only about 2,000 or so Republicans even showed up to vote on Saturday.

As Mara says, this is mostly because “They have seen coverage telling people the race is over.” Trump has won every other state or region but DC so far. Naturally, this doesn’t give most people the idea that voting in a primary now would do much to change that, especially DC’s primary.

If you didn’t already know, whoever wins the region is only awarded 19 delegates. Seeing as how the race is to see who can get 1,215 first nationwide, most voters don’t necessarily see the point of making sure their preferred candidate wins such a primary.

Of course, that’s not going to stop Haley from seeing it as a win anyway.

But as most of the comments proved, it’s not the win Haley thinks it is.


In fact, this particular “win” just might be the crowning nail in her political coffin.

Looks more like this is another win for Trump.