Our Food is Disgusting and Only the Trump Campaign Cares About It

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Why is our food such hot sidewalk garbage here in America? Do you realize that if you order French fries at a McDonald’s in the UK, they only have two ingredients in them? Well, three if you ask for salt. Here in America, an order of McDonald’s fries has 11 ingredients and the clerks act like you’ve just asked them to dig a new Panama Canal with a spoon if you ask for no salt. It comes down to our corrupt federal agencies that don’t actually regulate the things that Big Ag and Big Pharma put in their products for us.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) held a roundtable discussion last week with food industry experts and advocates called American Health and Nutrition: A Second Opinion. The roundtable was sparked by the unity movement formed by President Donald Trump and former candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, dubbed MAHA or Make America Healthy Again.

The discussion revealed that many of the ingredients in our foods here in America are banned in Europe because they’re considered poisonous or otherwise unsafe. Food companies here in America are allowed to self-regulate and declare that their ingredients are GRAS—“generally recognized as safe.” They don’t even have to notify the FDA or the public when they put poisonous toxins in our food that will make them taste better or have addictive properties.

Food activist Vani Hari was one of the experts who testified at Johnson’s roundtable. She notes that one of the chemicals that is often included in bread in America is azodicarbonamide. That’s a chemical that has caused cancer in animal studies and is banned in multiple foreign companies. Subway used to use it in all its sandwich breads until Hari successfully petitioned the company to stop. It’s still in a lot of the breads and buns found on store shelves, however.

“In other countries, this is the same chemical they use in yoga mats and shoe rubber,” noted Hari. “When this chemical is heated, studies show that it turns into a carcinogen.”

Artificial food dyes are one area of major concern. Just look at the bright colors in the cereal aisle and you’ll quickly notice that these foods are being marketed to children. What Americans are not told is that these brightly colored foods contain blue dye No. 1, red dye No. 40, titanium dioxide, and other artificial colorings and preservatives. There’s no health benefit to putting these in children’s foods and they’ve been linked to ADHD, allergies, and chronic health diseases.

The Canadian version of Fruit Loops is made with dyes made from watermelon and carrot juices. The American version is loaded with artificial chemicals. Hari notes that food companies wouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel to start serving healthier foods to Americans. They could just use the same ingredients that they already use in Europe and Canada.

We should all hope that the Make America Healthy Again initiative will succeed in making our foods safer. Americans have the worst chronic illness rates and the lowest life expectancy of any developed country. Hundreds of artificial chemicals are now added to our foods and most Americans feed them to their children unknowingly.

Here’s Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explaining the discrepancy between our terrible health in America compared to other countries, and some of the horrifying “ingredients” that food companies are putting in our foods:

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