Gaetz Calls FBI After Seeing ‘Alarming’ Scene Outside Office

Consolidated News Photos /
Consolidated News Photos /

Most of us are likely the kind of people who, when we see something strange or particularly alarming, say something about it, whether that be to a friend, co-worker, family member, or directly to the person involved. Florida Republican and Representative Matt Gaetz is also that kind of person.

So, when he, or rather one of his staff members, saw an “alarming” scene outside of the local FBI office, Gaetz didn’t waste time in trying to reach the FBI and see what was going on or just if everything was OK.

In a short video clip taken by one of Gaetz’s staff members, you can see two badly damaged vehicles sitting outside of the FBI office located in Valparaiso, which is near the Destin/Fort Walton area of Florida and squarely within Gaetz’s Congressional district.

To be sure, the scene was a little odd. Two pickup trucks sat there with severe front-end damage as if both had encountered front-end collisions recently. Now, this might be the typical scene outside of an auto body shop or repair garage, but for the local FBI office, it’s a bit of an oddity.

Naturally, Gaetz and all those who saw it were a little concerned.

Apparently, he tried to call or contact the office directly. But he never got through to anyone.

So, he resorted to social media, where he tagged the FBI and asked if everything was OK.

“Hey @fbi – our staff has been trying to get in contact with you. No response. The scene outside your Valparaiso office in my district is… alarming. Is everyone OK? Please check in safe.”

Whether the FBI responded to the congressman via social media or another outlet hasn’t been made clear yet.

However, plenty of people were quick to respond with their own reasons why the FBI might not be interested in hearing from Gaetz.


Others gave some advice on what he should do to elicit a response from them.